Review: Faith in Face; or, I Bought A Sheet Mask at Marshall’s and It Was Actually Pretty Decent

I love discount stores. Marshall’s, Ross, TJ Maxx, and HomeGoods are my bae. Their prices allow me to pick up items and brands that I’d normally have to enjoy once in a blue moon, and I feel much more at home there than I do in more upscale stores like Dillard’s, Nordstrom, or–God forbid–Neiman Marcus.

I haven’t had the best luck with the skincare products I’ve found in these places, however. My guess is that this is because American retail stores in general tend to have a rather odd and limited selection of Asian and kbeauty-inspired products to begin with, so by the time any stock makes its way to the discount shelves, the selection is even weirder. Most of it is put out by brands I’ve never heard of, or brands I’ve tried and didn’t like. The products themselves tend to have strange consistencies, horrible fragrances, bizarre formulations, or other fatal flaws like vitamin C-starring products stored in clear bottles.

Over time, however, the selection seems to have begun to improve. Shiseido has been popping up in my area, for instance, and yesterday I even saw TonyMoly in someone’s basket. This gives me hope that one day–one day!–I’ll be able to buy Asian skincare products in a brick and mortar store without subjecting myself to the wallet-burning prices of Sephora.

There wasn’t any TonyMoly left by the time I made it to the sheet masks, and instead, I impulse-purchased a Charcoal Mineral Black Ampoule Mask from SNP, The Solution Wrinkle Care Face Mask formulated with peptide by THE FACE SHOP, and a gold royal jelly hydrogel mask from koelf… along with the subject of today’s review, the I Am Always Bright sheet mask by a brand I’d never heard of before called Faith in Face. Continue reading “Review: Faith in Face; or, I Bought A Sheet Mask at Marshall’s and It Was Actually Pretty Decent”